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Archive for July, 2006

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Where do we go from here?

Tuesday, July 11th, 2006

Where am I now? What am I doing? Who am I?

I don’t know the answer to these questions. It seems I have come to the end of this episode of travel and adventure. I have been here at my parents’ for about a week, catching up, spending time, doing yoga, teaching yoga, eating, cooking, laughing, decorating, ploughing the vegetable patch, riding work horses bare-back, being bitten by all manner of different insects – more so that anywhere else I have been in the last 6months!, swelling up with puss, preparing myself for the next move and catching my breath. Tomorrow I leave for London and start the march into no-man’s land, into the unknown. The unpredictablility of auditions and dance. I have new tools, a new wardrobe (shock horror! new to me that is, not new form the shops!), clean underwear (thanks for that Mum!) and a clearer idea of the direction I am heading. It is hard to define but it will find me and I trust it to do so. I don’t have to search too much any more: I’ll let it, whatever that be, come to me.

My Auntie wrote me an email on my Birthday last week… She said, “Now is precious.” What wisdom! This ‘now’ is something I want to treasure. I have no plans as such. Nothing defined, nothing pre-determined that I have laid down for myslef in a possible future that I am trying to control. When I left Laban I think I was scared of this time when nothing was set… I have only Fate and Destiny to be my guides. This all sounds very hippy-traveller-when-did-you-role-off-the-boat-from-the-purple-haze?-talk, but this is where I stand. I am more open to trust myself in letting things happen.

I have some photos awaiting me in London, so that should give me the inspiration to finish off the Taiwan-fun-fun category and all the others I have been meaning to get around to finish….

And what happens to this blog spot when I finally finish things off? Well, I guess it hangs around in cyber-space until it’s nibbled by super-highway poachers and virsuses. I’ll have to see what happens. I have an audition on Monday… perhaps this will be an on-the-road dance-tour superstar travel blog (highly unlikely – flea-bitten-dancing-in-the-doll-queue-blog more like!)… I’ll get back to you on that one.

Take care and thanks to all who read, wrote and inspired this blog.

Updates to follow! Deadline: unknown. But they will come – I promise!
