BootsnAll Travel Network

Little Miss Writingpants finally posts an update!

So you know that two-month writing binge I’m on? Apparently it doesn’t involve blogs. But I have been writing short stories up a mother lovin’ storm. I’ve finished five in the past month. This doesn’t sound impressive unless one takes into account that I am the Slowest Writer Ever Of All Time.

Write for three hours, check email, eat lunch, read, teach, write for two or three more hours, read, sleep. That’s been my daily routine since Christmas. I’ve barely left my house in three weeks. It’s not the most exciting life but it’s doing right by me.

And what have I learned in this time?

1. Writing is fun
2. Other people are just a drag
3. Hunting mosquitoes is a perfectly amusing hobby

I’m pretty sure there’s a self-help book in there somewhere.

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2 responses to “Little Miss Writingpants finally posts an update!”

  1. chilly says:

    Fight the good fight!

    I about halfway through the first draft of a novel, then comes 2nd draft and 3rd etc. I have to take brakes, in times such as this to earn money, but it all will unfold properly in time.

    May St.Darger smile on the strength of your routine-

  2. jacques le Boofah says:

    1. watch the news
    2. vomit
    3. drink heavily
    4. vomit
    5. take anal suppositories
    6. eat tacos at the taco zone
    7. vomit
    8. go back to sleep

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