BootsnAll Travel Network

Things I miss

Mostly I don’t notice this stuff because I’m just used to how things are now, but today I’m thinking about it for some reason so here goes. These are the top 10 things that I miss living in Thailand…

1. hot showers
2. flush toilets
3. sleeping on a regular mattress
4. my CDs and records
5. watching movies
6. cooking at home (chut up John)
7. laying on the couch
8. talking on the phone
9. libraries
10. knowing where to buy things

To be fair, there are just as many things I really don’t miss, like…

1. working more than an hour a day
2. having to use an alarm clock
3. driving
4. feeling isolated in the middle of a big city
5. understanding what people are saying
6. advertising
7. cell phones
8. people who name drop
9. smog
10. aggression & impatience

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