BootsnAll Travel Network

Well it sure has been a long time

December 3rd, 2007

Yes, I have neglected my blog terribly. The only reason I’m posting today is I got a new camera and am trying to do better about taking pictures. So when I looked out the window of my office this evening and saw a beautiful sunset over the capitol I decided to take a photo. And to be better about keeping up with regular posts as well.



So this is supposed to be a travel blog…

October 10th, 2007

Since this is supposed to be a travel blog I decided I’d write a little about us wanting to go on a trip. We’ve been planning that our first big vacation after re-entering the real world would be a dive trip on a liveaboard to Galapagos. First we said we’d go in October, but then we were both so busy at work we put it off and said we’d go in February. The trouble is, I just don’t think I can do it, it is too expensive. I mean we *could* do it, but I’m just not sure the value is there with the prices they are asking, and I have not found a cheap alternative. I used to work with an Ecuadorian who said his brother worked in the dive business and could hook us up, but I’ve lost contact with him.
Then we thought since our friend Steve is living in Japan we should go visit him, he suggested over New Year. That sounds really fun, although the plane tickets are expensive once we get there we’ve got a place to stay and I really want to go to Japan. But I kinda wanted to go in the summer when we could climb Mt Fuji. Steve is supposed to be there for a few years, we could go in the summer, but I kind of want to go now.
Then today, I got my ‘top 20 travel deals’ email in my in box and took a look. There is a package deal to fancy resort in Cabo San Lucas, all inclusive for $679 per person including airfare from Denver but you have to travel between November 15 and December 25th. With Thanksgiving and Christmas in there that would be tight, and you have to book by next week…
So it’s a big dilemma, what to do, what to do? Any suggestions????

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September 14th, 2007


Hello everyone who still checks this blog from time to time,

Dave and I have been wanting to have some sort of get-together ever since we moved into our house but we’ve just had a busy summer. If we don’t do it now it will be next spring before we do so we’ve decided to have an Octoberfest party.


The date will be October 20th, the highlight will be Dave’s homebrewed beer and I will make some traditional German food, maybe even use my grandma’s potato pancake recipe. Dave is also building a washers pit (like horse shoes but different) so we’ll have games to play, too.


For everyone who lives out of town but might like to come for the weekend please do! We have two fully set-up guest rooms and a futon. We also have lots of floor space for sleeping bags if it comes to that.




Come visit

September 8th, 2007

Well, the weather is cooling off, it’s about as nice as you can imagine here right now. We get an afternoon shower a lot of days but other than that it has been clear and right around 80 degrees during the day, cooling off nicely at night. So I want to extend an invite to everyone and let you know this is a great time of year to come for a visit. We have two guest rooms all set up, one upstairs and one downstairs so there is plenty of room. Unless you have skiing in your plans the spring and the fall are the best times of year here and so far there is no snow in the mountains so 14ers are open for hiking!!
Also, baseball is still going on and football has started so if you want to attend a sporting event now is a good time.



August 26th, 2007

I figured everyone would like an update about our puppy. We have named him Woody (short for Woodrow) and he is 46 lbs at 4 months. He is lots of fun, a little crazy, and too cute. He is the star of the neighborhood, everyone stops to pet him so I think his ego is huge. He and Molly play a lot, but sometimes he’s too rough and she has to put him in line. All in all, I think she’s glad he’s here but is a little jealous of the attention he gets.


The dogs to their best to look noble.


Here they are just exhausted.


See his weird hair-do? It looks like he’s wearing a toupe! His hair is short on his face but he’s got crazy long hair on top!


14er #13

August 26th, 2007

We climbed our 13th 14er on Saturday, Mt. Democrat. Actually Dave and the rest of the group did the 3-14er circuit, but I had invited a friend of mine, it was her 1st 14er so we took it easy and just did the one. It was a perfect day in the mountains, even though it’s getting late in the season we had no afternoon weather, it stayed clear and beautiful all day. It was extremely windy, though, the wind was strong enough to make a 200 lb. guy stumble. I would guess that would have to be something like 80 mph but I don’t really know. We started from the Kite Lake trailhead which is a beautiful site, the trailhead is already at 12,000 ft so you are pretty much above tree line but the lake is clear and blue. It was a great day to be in the mountains!


Dave, JC, and Carin eager to get on the trail.


Looking towards the summit of Mt. Democrat.


Dave, me, Carin, and JC on the summit of Mt. Democrat.


View down into the valley.



July 16th, 2007

We decided to get a puppy a few weeks ago, Molly had been depressed since Squeakie died so we thought she needed a companion. We looked around a while because we wanted to find the perfect pup. I think we did it. He’s 10 weeks old and already weighs 25 lbs. He’s half Great Pyrenees (like Molly) and half St Bernard. He might weigh something like 150 lbs when he’s grown. We havn’t officially named him yet, it’s hard. Look at the pictures and feel free to give suggestions!





Oh, and some other stuff from the mountains

July 16th, 2007

We tried to do our second 14er of the year a few weeks ago, but instead of getting to the summit we learned a valuable lesson: When the 14ers website says: “this trail not recommended”. You should probably try the other route. We got lost trying to go up an unused trail. Not really lost, we just didn’t actually get to the summit. We still had a nice hike and camped out, though.


Dave looking all John Muir-like


Old dog Molly still making hikes.


Elk in Rocky Mtn National Park.


Scenery in Rocy Mtn National Park.
