BootsnAll Travel Network

Mt Hood

June 16th, 2006

Well, we didn’t climb Mt. Hood for various reasons, well, mainly due to lack of planning. I guess we should have contacted the guide service before we arrived at the mountain…bah. We did get a wonderful view and to hike some great trails in the area, though.

Oh, these Cascade range volcanos are so beautiful. I did not realize there are only 12 volcanos in the Cascades. That would make a good goal, to climb all 12. Brice, maybe you should do that. 🙂 I know you’ve already climbed at least 2.

We camped right next to this lake. So beautiful!


Hood River, OR

June 16th, 2006

We stopped by Hood River, which is a beautiful town right on the Columbia River. It is also where they brew Henry Weinhard’s and Full Sail so we stopped by the brewery for a tour.


View from town center.


Dave and I at the brewery.


Into Oregon

June 9th, 2006

We are moving into Oregon now, one of 2 states where you are not allowed to pump your own gas at a gas station (New Jersery is the other). I’m not sure what it tells you about a state when they have a strange law like that, but it sure is a beautiful place. We came in and went up to an area in the mountains called Hell’s Canyon.

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View of the mountains.

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Dave and Molly relaxing.


Surprising Idaho

June 9th, 2006

Idaho is a state that always seems to surprise me. I guess it’s partially because I don’t have high hopes for it so the two times I’ve been there I’ve been really surprised and pleased. This time we camped at a beautiful state park near a lake and played Frizbee golf, which is surprisingly fun. We also stopped at what was advertised as a 212 foot waterfall. From the picture you will see, I don’t think the description did it justice.

I’d advertise it as ‘The Niagara of the West!’ Or something equally superlative.


colorado #2

June 9th, 2006

This trip while we were in Colorado everyone seemed to be talking about this fantastic hike to a place called Hanging Lake just outside of Glenwood Springs. Carin told us it was great, then we met some guys on the trail up Quandry Peak who recommended it, so we had to do it, and it was really beautiful. Here are the photos. And a note of anger with myself: there are no photos from the Quandry hike because I FORGOT MY CAMERA! GRR!

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Dave in front of the lake.

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That’s me, you can barely see me behind the awesome waterfall!

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The view on the hike out.


Colorado stop

May 30th, 2006

Well, we stopped in Colorado to visit friends and climb some 14ers. We weren’t sure how conditions in the mountains would be, we heard reports there was a lot of snow still up there. Well, there was still a lot of snow but not enough to keep us from hiking up Mt. Sherman yesterday. Tomorrow we will try Quandry Peak before heading further north on our journey.


The view from our campsite just outside of Denver.


Carin and I pose with the mountains in the background.


Our campsite near Breckenridge, that is snow coming down folks!


Molly playing in the snow. Is this Memorial Day weekend? It looks like Christmas!


Me on the way up Sherman.


Dave on the summit.


The view from the top of Mt. Sherman.


Stops along the way – KS

May 28th, 2006

Ok, I guess there are not very many tourist attractions in the middle of Kansas so we had to stop at the ‘World’s Largest Hand-dug Well’. I mean, that is better than the largest buffalo statue. Check it out:

Yeah, it’s a big well.

Dave with the ‘big well’ sign.

Oh, and Dave wants to brag about the fish he caught in his mom & dad’s pond before we left Missouri:



May 4th, 2006

Well, my contract in KL is over and we are back in the good old USA. We are in Houston for a week or two, then up to Missouri to visit the families, possibly a quick trip to Vegas to celebrate Carin’s 30th birthday and then Dave and I and Molly will head for Alaska in Pinky for the summer. We’ll keep posting once we get underway!
