BootsnAll Travel Network

I’m a shitty 27 year old blogger

 You know how sometimes you get really, really into something, and are dilligent for a while, and then forget about it, life takes over, you fall behind, but still think about it… but it seems like you have neglected it for too long to start up again? That’s how I feel about these updates..

 So much has happened in the past month and a half that i don’t really know where to begin.  I’ll break it down;

 1. My parents and brother came for a FABULOUS week.  We spent quality time in Tel Aviv and Jaffa, and they went to Jerusalem for a day as well.  Toward the end, we went to Haifa, Acco, and Tsfat for a fun filled day as well. It was inexplicably incredible to see them.

 2.  I have taken some more trips – 1 up to the Golan Heights, for a
 lot of hiking and rafting on the Jordan River.  I also went down south a few times, and also to the Kinneret.

 3.  I got the flu. Being sick in Israel is no fun – because of mytraveler’s insurance, it is impossible to do anything in a timely manner, like go to the doctor and get blood work done, dealing with Israelis is one thing; dealing with Israeli Insurance Agents is quite another.  I’m feeling better, although still lethargic, and waiting to find out where in this country I am allowed to get my blood taken.

 4.  I turned 27. Had a great weekend with friends here – celebrated on the beach with my entire program and some other local friends.

 5. Work is still fantastic. I’m not sure what I’ve discussed in past emails, but I completed teaching one course, and am currently in the middle of my second course, this one at the Phillipine Embassy.  I am doing one more for the African community here later in the month.

 6.  I organized and took a trip with 45 ridiculously fun Nepali women\ (and 2 Nepali men) to Mini Israel, which is technically a small town here, but all that it is is a small model of the entire country.  Small enough that you can see it in a day, but big enough that you need a guide and 4 hours to get through the whole thing.

 7.  I have been babysitting an exhorbitant amount – which is good for the wallet,  but also exhausting.  I have 3 families that I babysit
 for – 1 has a baby (9 months) and a 4 1/2 year old terror, I mean child; both other families have 8 month old girls.  In addition, it’s customary here for babysitters to also do housework, so, I’m really putting that Bachelor of Arts in Communications to good use.  it’s not
 bad.. just folding laundry and doing dishes, but, needless to say,it’s hourly, and it’s not a lot per hour.

 8.  I continue to write for the magazines and newspapers, I have articles in 5 publications, usually in every issue. Each publication comes out at different times, one is bi-monthly, one weekly, one monthly, etc. So, it’s fun to see them all the time.

 9.  I just realized I’m numbering these and I have no idea why.

 10.  I booked a flight to India!! I’m going to Jordan for a few days at the beginning of August, and flying from there to India for 6 weeks. I’m going to try to make it to nepal as well, to stay with some of my new friend’s families, but, will see how time permits. It’s the height of monsoon season, so I will be “flying by the seat of my pants” upon arrival as to where I go.

 11. Sadly, I have also booked my flight home… I’ll be back in the U.S. September 22nd. No guarantees on how long (at least for the 2
 weddings I’m going home for)…

 12.  I’m trying to book a trip to Egypt within the next 2 weeks. I need to leave and re-enter the country before the 24th, as my visa is
 expiring, but, the India Embassy has my passport right now with no guarantees when I’ll get it back.. So, stay tuned on that one.  if anyone gets a call from the immigration police, you don’t know me.

Cheers! JaMIE

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