BootsnAll Travel Network

Still at Tribewanted

Whale Bones with Poasa4 Peak Challenge, in the mangrovesChurch Service

Hello all,

Well I am back in Labasa for a few hours to get a few supplies and do a blog update but then I am headed back to VoroVoro.  I have extended againand I am just not sure when I am going to leave.  It is really starting to feel like family or as close as it can be.  I am considering staying for Xmas and New Years and then becoming chief for the month of January.  Everyone keeps telling me that I would make a great chief.

The adventures just keep continuing.  The weekend with Tui Mali and Tavita was great and I learned a lot about Fiji.  They both have so many stories and they are just as intersested in my stories.  I wenyt to Sunday service with Tavita and the only word I understood was Amen but the singing was amaizing.  I can’t download the the video I took but anyone that would like it I will email it to them just let me know.

Back at VoroVoro I have been working on a few projects.  They completed Tavita’s house and I made a sign for him to mark it as his house but I have not got a pic of it yet. 

I went on what htey call the 4 peaks challenge and that was great.  It was about a 3 hour hike with some scrabling involved,  and walking in some Mango Groves. We had a lot of fun. 

If any of have spent any time on the Tribewanted website it shows what projects are been worked on and then we can also start something ourselves which is what I have do.  I have become quite good at starting the fire in the firepit for everyone to enjoy in the evenings.  I use coconut husks and dried cocnut leaves to get it started and then some drift wood and anything else I can find.  What I found was that the shelter for the firewood is to small and does not keep out the rain when it does come so I am building a new shelter.  I started it on Friday and will complete some time this week.  I am making it a lot bigger with shelves to seperste the wet and dry wood.  Pupu is helping me with the project since I am not much of a carpenter but i am learning.  We will bash bamboo and weave it to  make the sides so no rain gets in.  I will put a pic of the finished product on the next update.  We had a big party on the weekend and played some games and trivia and this will amaze some but I am prefering Kava to Rum, I know it’s crazy but that is the way it is.

I was invited to Posasa’s in the village to see his project.  They had a whale get beached a while ago and it died.  He is piecing together all the bones.  It totally reminds me of Dinosaur Park.  He is in the process of cleaning all the bones.

That is about it for know but the adventures just keep happening.

Bula Sia,



5 responses to “Still at Tribewanted”

  1. ben keene says:

    Kava over rum anyday. Great blog steve glad you’re having a ball

  2. Judy @ Keybrand says:

    your experiences so far sound amazing, i’m sure you have pinched yourself a few times..i love the pix, they really tell the story..keep them coming, take care..

  3. KD says:

    sounds stressful hang in there

  4. Tara says:

    Hi Steve. Sounds like you are having the best time. Your experiences enrich all of us looking forward to hearing what you do. I’m glad you have such good people to be with. It doesn’t make us worry quite so much. Cheers!!

  5. Don & Audry says:

    Hi Stephen
    You are certainly in your element, I am so glad you are having a great time. I enjoy reading all your experiences. Take care.

    Auntie Audry

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