BootsnAll Travel Network


OR, a quick farewell to Italy.

Italy is the physical, sociological, and political manifestation of romance. Its Mediterranean climate nourishes more character per square inch than any other country in the world (according to leading charactrographers.) This charisma isn’t always endearing. A lot about Italy leaves you grinning and shaking your head, the look you give your beloved dog that just took a crap on the floor. Italy functions a lot like a love affair – almost nothing makes sense in practical terms because love and romance have nothing to do with practicality. The silly inefficiencies are what make romance romantic and Italy Italian.

If most western nations are sleek, modern 747s conquering the skys – Italy is a flimsy, handmade biplane bouncing around with the Wright brothers cursing each other above astonished crowds. Italians live a life that is far from mundane. Their culture has inherited all the intricate drama of classical mythology. Being wrapped up in it for a month was at times inspiring, frustrating, amusing, but overall, beautiful.


One Response to “Metaphormaggio”

  1. syddo Says:

    man, i really miss you two. happy travels.

  2. Posted from United States United States

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