Day 6: 19th Feb – Vienna
A long day is in store, but I didn’t know it would be longer than I had planned. The girls and I start off in the morning with ice skating in the city centre for a couple of hours. Lots of fun with photos, falling and free hugs from promo “cows” from Ben & Jerry’s giving out free hugs.
After the time with the girls, I head off on my own to meet up with the guys, who had found a tower that looks over the Donau river and has a revolving restaurant. Donauturm was 160 ft high with spectacular views of the city. WIth a backdrop of the sunset it makes for a very peaceful and reflective time. Plus, the odd joke here or there with the boys is always a good thing.
We have a local dinner in an Italian place near the centre, something light as we are all starting to feel the grueling schedule. Heading back to the hostel, we meet up with everyone else in the bar, the first time we are all together since the morning. James and I have the idea of going out for some more live music, but something a little heavier than the jazz we had the night before. Luckily for me, James had asked ahead of time and found a place not too far. No one else feels the idea, so after a few more drinks and the two of us head out on the town!
Escape is a rock/metal bar with a small stage in the basement. There is a battle of the bands going on, but because of our pre departure drinks we happen to miss nearly all of it. We still manage to catch a glimpse of a band, which made our impressions of the bar go rocketing! At the bar, we meet loads of new people, two of which I spoke to nearly all night; Nina and Ines. 4am finish and we decide to head back to get some rest, especially seeing as I have an early start in the morning. Next stop – Budapest!
Tags: Travel
“hugs from promo “cows” from Ben & Jerry’s”
I want to see pictures of that!
It seems you’re having a hard time splitting yourself between the guys and the gals: do they not get along well?