The bullimic photographer
I have left Dulcie in charge of the camera for this trip and she appears to have developed (no pun intended) a strange disorder which can only be described as bullimic photography. When we are somewhere picturesque (e.g. the Amazon), she binges by taking hundreds of photos. Later, consumed by guilt that the memory card may be almost full, in an internet cafe we view the pictures and delete the vast majority of them (as they are generally of out of focus trees where an exotic bird was two seconds earlier).
Things could be worse; someone on our trip took hundreds of photos on the Inca trail and around Macchu Picchu. Then, while attempting to delete one single uninteresting photo, managed to erase the entire memory card. The tantrums were an unpleasant site.
Tags: Travel
I have seen Rob in action where deleting photos is concerned and its not a pretty sight! He is ruthless! H
A colleague at work took 14,000 photos on a two week holiday!!! It’s digital go mad!