When in Buenos Aires what else should you do but join in the national pass time and watch some “futbol”? So we got tickets to watch Boca Juniors (Maradona´s old team) play Atletico Argentinos. Fortunately I was wearing my red hat as we ended up in the Atlectico supporter´s end (all red) instead of the Boca end (all blue). Not only did this secure our safety but the old man next to me assumed I was a die hard supporter and talked to me in Spanish throuhout the game. I didn´t understand much of what he said as our guide explained to us after most of it was swear words. The “Hand of God” was not with Boca and “we” won 3-2 complete with over the top, South American celebrations (drum bands, giant flags, smoke bombs etc.).
We leave Buenos Aires tomorrow for 11 (!!!) night´s camping and then it´s Rio.
Tags: Travel
I should say this football match would have quite an experience. Thank goodness for the hat!. I notice you don’t seem to be sporting “The Beard”. So I wont have to call you father christmas after all. (Or indeed Ben Gunn!)