BootsnAll Travel Network

Feeling let down

We are now in Brazil (a coastal town called Parity) and are facing the last leg of our overland trip to Rio. Dulcie´s spanish is now coming automatically which is a shame because the language is now Portuguese.

Unfortunately I have to report that my thermarest mat has (literally) let me down! We accidentally pitched our tent on a thorny twig las week which managed to penetrate the ground sheet, the bottom of the tent and the mat. This meant that during the night I was gently lowered to the ground as the thing deflated and I awoke wondering why we were on such an uncomfortable camp site (and then leant on it puncturing the top side of the mat and my hand!). We´ve tried several repairs (on the mat – not my hand) but not even the mighty gaffer tape has managed to stem the escaping air and each night I feel let down!

We went sea kayaking today and within two minutes we´d tipped the boat over (all my fault of course – nothing to do with a wave). We then managed to get it stuck in a mangrove swamp. All in all a fun day!


2 responses to “Feeling let down”

  1. Jules from Bda says:

    ! am very sorry to hear that have been somewhat deflated but you are now in Brazil – how wonderful! I am learning a lot about Brazil at present as Andy informs me tha Bank as 28,000 employees there. I hope you have better luck in your other outdoor pursuits as I am sure it cannot have been a good feeling having firstly managed to get back in the kayake (and soaked to the skin!)only to beach yourself in a mangrove swamp! Hope you got pictures! Jules

  2. Hi, you are coming to the end of your epice adventure, and I am just getting the hang of this. silver surfer rides again. It will seem strange to shower and shave in comfort, what will be your luxury Rob!!
    You both seem to have had a great time on you adventure. Hope things go well in Canada hope to see you there some day.

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