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Hello BootsNAll community

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Over the past few years both my wife and I have found our careers and comfortable middle class lives unfulfilling.  In our desperation and malaise, we discovered BootsNAll as well as a few blogs of other mid career individuals who took the plunge and left it all behind.We have been slowly planning and reading others blogs and have come up with a plan of our own. We are greatly dissatisfied with our careers and dread the thought of continuing to scramble up the corporate ladder for the next 30+ years. We spent a great deal of time examining our likes and dislikes, and decided that we would go back to graduate school in the hopes that we can someday teach.We’re about midway through the graduate program now, and have set our sights upon taking a gap year after graduation (2 years away). We have a lot of baggage that we will need to shed beforehand:

  • house
  • cars
  • furniture
  • other household furnishings

We’re hoping to be able to bankroll the trip from the proceeds from selling the above items, so here’s to hoping the economy turns around within the next 2 years!We won’t leave you bored though. We are taking trips to Mexico (Puebla and Oaxaca), France (Paris, Beuane, Provence, Riviera), and Germany (Munich) this year and will be posting about those adventures extensively.Perhaps we should be saving the money shelled out for those trips for the gap year, but 2 years is a long time to wait and wanderlust makes the waiting impossible ;-)We welcome your comments!