Words of Encouragement from Friends
Just a quick one right now…
It’s been really encouraging to see how many people respond positively to my doing this trip. I’ve gotten so many phone calls and emails from people telling me how excited they are to follow my adventure. I’ll be doing my best to give you all something interesting to read about. Until I do, here is a link to a few past adventures:
Nova Scotia in 2008 and
my RTW trip 2003/2004.
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February 26th, 2009 at 10:08 pm
Hi Claudia!
So I see your off! Good luck! and most of all have fun!! I hope those contacts I gave you work out. I will follow along here. Make a difference to be in the arm chair after going out doing the trip in the past! It will be cool seeing it from someone elses perspective!
February 27th, 2009 at 5:14 am
Thanks Kevin. I am in touch with Javier and he is expecting me on Saturday. 🙂
I’ll do my best to keep you entertained.
February 28th, 2009 at 10:30 am
Words of encouragement…may you ride into the sunset of Argentina…meet new people…skirt around a mountain or two..and have a blast!!
February 28th, 2009 at 1:06 pm
Hey, Claudia!!! Good luck on your adventure — I’ll be following it closely — how exciting! I really hope all goes well and that it is the adventure of a lifetime! Love, Gloria