Wednesday, February 25th, 2009A few people have asked me what I am bringing with me on this moto adventure so I thought I’d do up a quick post on it. I’m at ATGATT kind of moto rider (All The Gear All The Time) and I’m bringing all my own stuff, excluding the motorcycle, to Argentina. I’m used to all my travel gear fitting in one backpack, but now I don’t even USE a backpack. The pile of things I need to take with me makes me wince because just a few years ago I survived on less than 25 lbs worth of stuff for a YEAR. Now, my clothing along weighs that.
There are the essentials- helmet, gloves, armored pants and jacket, etc. This year I revamped my gear collection and I now look like The Red Baron(ess). Even my Ortileb dry bag is bright red. All I need is a cape….
To keep myself safe, I have an awesome Shoei helmet, well broken in Joe Rocket gloves, a brand new armored Alpinestars jacket that fits correctly (as opposed to my last one), BMW Airflow pants which have state of the art moldable armor, and 20 hole Doc Martens boots for my tootsies. I’m hoping it doesn’t rain either, but I’ll be prepared if it does.
But then there is all the camping gear and the random stuff that goes along with riding. I have a 2 person Sierra Nevada tent (1 person + gear in my case) and I think it was one of the most intelligent impulse buys I have ever made. It can be pitched in literally 60 seconds flat. It takes me far longer to stuff my sleeping bag back into its sack than it does to put up my tent. I have a silk sleep sheet I stole from an ex-boyfriend, my yoga mat which doubles as a sleep mat, a FAB EMS Claudia-sized sleeping bag, a high end knife that scares everyone who sees it, books, a compass, maps, my snazzy digital SLR with accompanying tri-pod. The tri-pod wasn’t on the original packing list, but after my friend who has ridden in Argentina mentioned it can be hard to find people to take a pic of you in the more remote areas (I’m thinking Saltas Grandes here), I put it in my bag.
Then there is the question of clothing. For me, this is the toughest part. I hate looking like a “traveler”. Synthetic travel pants? HATE THEM, no matter how practical they might be in theory. I wore them for a year in Asia and will never do it again. So instead I’ve been watching the weather trends and I’m going to roll the dice on bringing jeans. It will be hot, but at least I won’t look like a scrubby traveler. When I’m on the bike, I’m in gear, and when I’m not, I look cute. Done deal.
Then there are the practical items like duct tape, a multi-tool, a small bit of rope (this has come in handy more times than I can remember), bungie cords that tie stuff down to the bike, extra water proof bags, etc. I learned a lot from my trip to Nova Scotia about what will and won’t come in handy.
Tomorrow night I do my final pack. My little apartment might explode during the process but at least it will be over and done with until my lucky pack mule (read as boyfriend) gets to help me lug it to the airport.