Valpariso y Viña del Mar (Chile)
Thursday, March 5th, 2009I woke up this morning with a sniffle. I´m not surprised. I´ve been beating my body to death and it needed a day of rest. A rest day means not being on a motorcycle for 8 hours. So instead I hopped on a local bus to the next city over, Valparaiso. (I can´t for the life of me remember how to spell it).
Taking local buses is something I used to do all the time. The thing that used to drive me nuts what how do you know when to tell the driver to stop when you´ve never been there before?? I stopped at the tourist office and asked the woman for a landmark a bit ahead of where I needed to hope off. It worked like a charm.
Valparaiso is a city on a hill and the different neighborhoods are accessed by elevators. The elevators themselves are archaic and belong in a history museo. I immediately thought of my mother who can´t stand near a window, forget look down from any decent height without having a coronary. She would have NOT enjoyed Valpariaso.
The area I went to was Concepcion, which is known for its artists. The thing that I loved about it (other than the fact it was above all the noise) was the graffitti. They have some really funky “urban art” and I spent a good hour photographing nothing else.
I think I particularly enjoyed the “I eat hot dogs every day” one the most because the hebrew script up above which led me to ask “are they Hebrew National hot dogs??” I konw, deep. Really deep.
I did a bit of shopping while in the area, but nothing major. I got a bit irritated when I went to a nice restaurant (Cafe Turri) and they told me they didn´t “have any tables available”. Clearly, they did- they just didn´t have one for me. I wasn´t dressed badly or covered in mud from the bike, so I thought this was a bit uncalled for. I decided to walk around and find a different place for comida. While I was wandering around, I noticed there was a museum dedicated to a cartoonist called “Lukas”. I had no idea who he was, but the views from the museum were certainly worth the $1 entry. After eating and touring, I headed back down the elevator to Errazruiz Avenida. It runs right along the water so it´s hard to not head in the right direction. I flagged a Viña bus that said “Alvarez” and was back home in 15 minutes.
It was still early in the day so I decided to take a walk up to Cerro Castel or the Castle Neighborhood. This is where the rich must live because the houses are huge. There are a few real castles, built by Germans. The houses all had caretakers or help scurrying around and I don´t think I actually saw one person who actually owned one of the houses. They were all probably having their siestas. With that, I called it quits for the day.
I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow and I didn´t want to wear myself out. I need to head back over the Andes pass into Argentina. Just writing that is kinda wild. I will be crossing the Andes, one of the tallest mountain ranges in the world, on a motorcycle. There aren´t many times I´ll probably have cause to say that again.
I may be so tired tomorrow after a 10 hour ride that I might not be able to post. But who knows. Stranger things have happened. Check back tomorrow!!!