Sex In The City of Angels
August 6 2002 Bangkok Thailand
The Indian pilot lovingly set the Air India wheels down on the Bangkok tarmac…
Being in Thailand feels good even when you know Thais will use those beguiling smiles and soft voices to extract three layers of your soul (and your money)…
Sex In The City
“When the American troops left Vietnam and all the Rest and Recreation programs ended,” says Paul Theroux in The Great Railway Bazaar, “it was thought that Bangkok would collapse. This was when the city had 2 million inhabitants. Now it has 10 or 12. But this hugely preposterous combination of temples and brothels (among many other things of course) requires visitors…it is a city for transients. And is a place where even the most improbable foreigner can get laid,” says Theroux.
Whether on the SkyTrain or trying to get a meal in a restaurant at night the common traveler is witness to the white haired 60 plus year old pot-bellied man looking longingly at the pretty little Thai girl at his side. Most of these girls migrate here from the country to help their families earn their way out of poverty. Most Thais just turn their heads because they like to think it is a matter of survival and with a lack of education there are few other alternatives for girls from the country.
There are live shows featuring talented �Thai Boys� in drag. There are go-go bars with young girls standing around on an elevated stagelooking very self conscious with a number pasted on one shoulder in case a male client wants to ask for a special one.
There are all-Japanese karoake clubs with bored girls in gowns standing on the street in front waiting for a bid. The Japanese tourists are often the ones with big spending money. Stickman, a website writer, says if sitting in a private room with an attractive hostess feedng you tit-bits and rubbing your back while you peruse an extensive list searching for the next song you�re about to murder, Bangkok is the place for you.
That is Bangkok at night…closing hours are seldom observed…there are just as many people in the streets in some areas at 4am as at 4pm as in many other large Asian cities.
Tags: Bangkok, Reading, Sex, Thailand