BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 9

Today we had the same morning routine as usual and then(using the photocopies you gave me mom) visited palazzo davanzati a “palace” aka rich person’s house from the middle ages. It was cool especially because not a lot of people visit it. We also saw one of the oldest churches in the city.
Then we saw a gothic church which was cool. It was pretty simple but had some beautiful paintings and stained glass windows. Most of the paintings we have seen in Florence are of mary and baby Jesus. It is getting kind of repetitive but also kind of funny.
After, we went to the duomo. It is gorgeous from the outside with so many colors that you don’t normally see on a church like green. Then we went inside. The inside is rather sparse with no paintings on the walls. The inside of the dome is elaborately frescoed. We also started to go to the top ofthe dome but due to joannas fear of heights and my newfound claustrophobia, we just made it to the top level of the indoor dome. The staircases were very narrow and enclosed. What made itworst was that the walls were made of thick stone. I did not like of at all. But the views of the ceiling of the dome and of the inside of the basilica were great.
Then we had lunch of sandwiches. I ordered an eggplant one which ended up being only eggplant. It wasn’t amazing. Then we wlked around some and then got gelato at this famous place called groms. I had apricot and chocolat fondente flavors and it was an amazing combo. The apricot flavor was awesome. Just thinking about it is making my mouth water.
Then we returned to the hostel and on the way bought some strawberries. They were good and looked like Japanese ones but weren’t as sweet.
At the hostel I endedbup falling asleep again.
I woke up at seven and we went out for dinner. We wanted to go to this vegetarian/kosher place that had a Wednesday night student special, but we got lost and it took us an hour to get there. Luckily it turned out for the better. They didn’t have enough tables so they sat us with an American girl. Her family is from anchorage but she is a junior at Williams college. Small world right?? What are the chances. She was supposed to be working as am au pair but the family we was working for was really obnoxious. They were super rich and snobby and expected her to work hours three times the agreed amount. The mother did absolutely nothing all day except boss her around. She worked for them for five weeks until she told her parents how she was being treated and theytold her to quit. Nowshe is in italy all by herself until they can get her a flight home (Tuesday). We really liked her and ended up staying at the food place for four hours talking. That’s the Italian way you know. It’s not weird here to stay at a restaurant after it closes. Anyway now we are going to sleep! Goodnight!


One Response to “Day 9”

  1. Priya Says:

    sounds like i’m missing out on gelato big time!! haha. have u decided on your day trips yet? love reading your blog!! goodnight

  2. Posted from United States United States

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