Day 10
We woke up at nine this morning because we slept late last night. Today I had a cappuccino with my breakfast. It was good…much better than normal Italian coffee which is very strong, concentrated, and bitter. We figure out that the bigger the cup, the weaker the coffee.
Then we went to Pisa. At the train station, joanna felt an ominous tap on her shoulder but didn’t have time to turn around and see who it was because we were runningtocatch a train.
At Pisa we had to walk to the other end of the city to reach the tower. We saw two people in front if us who looked familiar. Turns out they had been standing in front of us for half an hour in the line to climb the duomo dome. What are the chances?? Anyway we saw the tower which looked smaller in real life and different than we had expected. We had lunch and headed back to the station where we got on the wrong train. The announcements were so confusing because they were different from what re signs said!! Anyway of was fun and we eventually got back to Firenze. We met our new roommates, from reading, England! Then we went for dinner and gelato. I had mango and chocolate. The mango wasn’t as good as I was expecting. It tasted like frozen mango pulp which you know I don’t like. Then we returned to the hostel. As we walk in the door, we see someone else familiar walking out of the shower. Our friends from Denmark who we had met in Rome!!!! Ahhh! Turns out they tapped joanna at the station!! What are the chances that first: we would be inthw same city at the same time, second: that we would be at the station at the same time and third: that we would be staying at the Same hostel!!!!!!!!!! How does so much of this happen to us!!!
Haha anyway, I’m going to sleep now. Goodnight!!!
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July 15th, 2010 at 8:20 pm
what a coincidence! I can just imagine you laughing and enjoying the moment. How was the town in Pissa? When we visited we did not go down town since it had gotten dark and you girls were tired. Love mom
July 16th, 2010 at 10:56 am
yooo so i was wrong, the trips don’t go online until july 25th booooo
anyway my eyes are still peeled for any mail for you woohooo