BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 13 part 2

So we got to arezzo and went to this place for lunch. I had the ravioli with tomato sauce. Joanna had wild boar whichvwas hard to eat because there were tons of tiny bones. After lunch we walked up a long uphill road until we saw a race path fenced off. I think there was a bike race going on or somehong. We went inside their duoma. I can’t remeber much except the stained glass which was gorgeous. The colors were so unusual. There purples and teals, probably because there were gypsies and things in it which was cool. Then we walked up more of the road and got to a park type thing with an amazing view into the valley below. It was the quintessential Tuscan scene. We stayed there for a while and thenheaded back to the train station. We were planningto take a 5:40 train to Firenze that would arrive at 6:47 giving us enough time to get to our meeting place in time for dinner. Unfortunately for some reason the train just didn’t come. There were a ton of people waiting too. We ended up on a 6:06 train that would arrive at 7:27. I had to call salvatore and tell him we would be half an hour late. He was of course very nice about it. We booked it to the hostel, freshened up, and met then at the piazza next to our hostel. He met us with his 15 year old daughter vittoria. She was very nice and goes to a linguistics school where she is learning French and English. She is only Niki’s age but she is very good at English. We got to their house which was very nice, and had dinner, all of which was vegetarian. Their21 year old was there too. Her name is anna and she is studying medicine specifically something to do with nutrition or public health. Anyway she was very nice too. After dinner the two sisters took us out. The middle one who is almost 18 was out of town. Anyway, the girls took us to michelangelos piazza with some of anna friends. From there you can see all of florence. The tallest buildings are the duomo, Santa croche church, piazza del signoria museum or something (where the uffizi is) and Florence’s only synagogue. Then we walked around some more, got some slushies, and wenthomearound midnight. We were exhausted but it was very fun. Ok finally all caught up…onto today…


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