BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 12

Today we went to chianti. Our first task was to find the bus station ( you can only get there by bus). Then we had to wait forty minute for the bus because it doesn’t come as often on the weekends. I slept on the bus as I have recently been doing on all trains/buses. It was only a fifty minute ride. When we got there the first thing we noticed was a large outdoor market with lots of fruit. We got a ton of it ( I got grapes, apricots, this weird plum thing and a pear. Their fruits are small but really good. Then we went wlking in search for a park to picnic in. We found oneand sat in thegazeno there. There wee some boys playing magic cards there which was entertaining. Soon we got really fruited out and we needed some carbs so we went to a small grocery store where I bought breadsticks. Then we went wine tasting. The place was really cool. You buy a card and them stick it into machines which spout out wine. I really hate wine!! A whole lot. Anyway we also tried some olive oil there (with bread, not like the syrup tasting in gilmore girls) which was nice. Then we waited for this meat and cheese place to open (it was closed for the town’s italian version of a siesta) because it lets you try stuff. When itbopened though they only put out one cheese probably because it had just restarted up. Then we thought it would be nice to sit on top of a hill for a while and enjoy the view. I didn’t realize that it was actually a very small mountain, but I hiked up, following joanna, and got tons of bug bites. The view was very nice though, so it was worth it. Then we came back to the hostel an chilled for a while. Then we went our for dinner and gelato. Passion fruit flavor is amazing. We have new roommates. One is from Spain but we haven’t met the others. The girl from chile is still here. Apparently the tag of one of our new roommates bag says her name is nicole patel…confusing….we were thinkingthat she could be half Indian or adopted or have very non-Indian parents…or it could be some random coincidence. Anyway hopefully we’ll find out soon. Goodnight now!


One Response to “Day 12”

  1. meena Says:

    Pheew ….can’t wait to read the rest!

  2. Posted from United States United States

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