BootsnAll Travel Network

Friends and football…

This week felt pretty short – hence this entry won’t drone on too long. Went down to Washington, D.C. over the weekend to visit an old friend down there. He’s in the process of splitting up with his wife of 8-9 years and it’s been hard on him. At the risk of practicing amateur psychology, my sense is that he feels deeply guilty about being the one who’s ‘forcing the issue’ and instigating the divorce – but my take is that he’s merely naming the crisis and actually acting quite constructively to resolve it. Still, there’s substantial pain no matter how you slice it; I do think he’s handling things very well and that once a bit of time passes (and he gets back into the dating game) he’ll be just fine.

Also saw a few other old friends in DC – mostly from my fraternity, also a friend from the Army Times newspaper who published a popular book a year or so ago about the Tora Bora Al-Qaeda battles. Went to Millie & Al’s bar in Adams-Morgan – this used to be my local when I lived around the corner on California Street. Brought back very fond memories of my year or so there. If you get to DC, you’ve gotta have a few pitchers and pizzas at Millie’s…

On flight down there, on Thursday night, Logan Airport in Boston was full of Blackberry-pressing business geeks. Their phone calls brought back frightening memories of my own frantic conversations of years ago. Don’t miss ‘em at all. But I do find that overhearing such calls raises my blood pressure/annoyance levels – I might start carrying earplugs wherever I go. Nothing must disturb my current reverie…

When I returned to Boston I went straightaway to my sister’s place in Hopkinton for my nephew’s 3rd birthday party (adult version). About 20 people showed up and we had a good time. Afterward, we watched our hometown New England Patriots (football team) go down in flames after jumping out to an early lead. They simply couldn’t stop the offense of the Indianapolis Colts…and they also rang up a few uncharacteristic late-game penalties…and the offensive play-calling seemed overly conservative/non-creative in the late going. Anyway, we’re going home and the Colts to the Super Bowl. Bummer. Well, at least there’s no need to be mentally involved any longer with football, I can watch the Super Bowl in a state of complete inebriation and stomach distension…

Had a few medical checkups later in the week. Skin’s fine, despite huge amounts of sun this year. Got a bump on my lip removed by my cousin the plastic surgeon – the bump was the result of a bad basketball pass sent my way some years ago. I’m taking care of all these minor things now that I’ve got some time on my hands. And medical insurance covers ‘em all. Well, what the fuck – I’m paying US$380/month for the coverage and I might as well use it when I want to…

Went jogging in Newton Center yesterday. I’ve done this route dozens of times, but for some reason I finally trained my eye on the shop-fronts and noticed ‘Adolf’s Sports.’ Random. I mean, in a town with so many Jewish residents, I wonder who patronizes a shop called ‘Adolf’s’? You be the judge.

I mentioned that I have some time on my hands – although I do feel busy often, largely as a result of my social calendar. Anyway, I Googled myself and found that many of my entries pop up – and also that they’re now cross-referenced in other sites, mainly hotel/travel type sites. The ecosystem expands. Pretty funny…if you ever write a blog make sure to Google yourself/the blog every now and then, you’ll see how the thing takes on a life of its own.

Heading to Florida this weekend with a clutch of old fraternity brothers. This is a ‘mancation,’ i.e. a man’s vacation, boys only. Going fishing, drinking, eating, you name it. Haven’t done one of these in ages and it should be enjoyable, with a bit of ancillary liver damage thrown in.

That’s it for now. Still thinking about switching host sites, but haven’t done a thing about it yet. Stay tuned.


One response to “Friends and football…”

  1. Johann says:


    Too bad about the Pats. However maybe Peyton Manning will win the Superbowl and fiinally achieve what his dad failed to do.

    Heard an apocryphal story that the World Series is so called because it was originally sponsored by a newspaper called News of the World … any truth to this?

    On an unrelated note, I’m reading a real fun book called the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Its basically a polemic that does a chapter and verse (literally) repudiation on the existence of God (and takes an almighty swing at religion as well). May be a fun read, but wait till the paperback version comes out.

    Happy trails kimo sabe.

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