ready…. GO!
So we’ve done it! we have finally booked our tickets. on sept. 29th we are flying to hanoi! everything about this idea is mostly ridiculous and almost entirely ludicrous. we will be flying through tokyo to hanoi on japan airlines and getting into hanoi at night. this is the only part of the trip that feels real right now- so obviously this is the part we are discussing and analyzing at legnth (i.e. “how many books should we bring for the plane?” and, ” i’ll research what movies we will watch if you found out what meals will be served,” etc.). i gave my two weeks notice today at work and no one seemed to care much about. I guess my hostess skills aren’t making the life impacting impressions i thought they were at my restaurant. i should probably 86 my plans to get a masters in nail tapping and elegant hand gesturing…
Tags: pre-trip, Travel
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