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Archive for September, 2005

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radio hanoi

Friday, September 30th, 2005

this morning we woke up and it appeared as though all of vietnam was listening to the same radio station as there was this women’s newscaster-esque voice booming over the street. we both slept like dead people and this morning we are ready to eplore. it is about 8am and VERY hot so we will most likely melt by then end of the day. breakfast consisted of french bread with jam, butter and cheese and endless delish coffee. the coffee is seriously great. in preparation for injesting our first dairy products in this country which may or may not have been pasteurized, we composed a song to the tune of some americana children’s tune that we can not remember the words to. our version starts with “please don’t let us die, please don’t let us shit, we need to eat this food, in order to live, HEY!” so that is our anti-diarreah anthem that we are sending out to the world. hmmm…. more later
oh yeah thank you = “come-on”, great = “tot”

Here in Hanoi…

Friday, September 30th, 2005

unbelievable. we are finally here. the flight was so long it is excruciating to even revisit as a memory although only japanese flight attendents could somehow be kind and gracious enough to make the cramped steerage section bearable. 14 hours to tokyo in a full flight and then 6 hours to hanoi with some space to stretch and sleep. it was really cool to be back in japan for a few hours- the japanese that setsko taught me definitely came back and came in use when it was time to buy some rice ball snacks. a man named dong picked us up from the airport. interestingly, dong is also the currency here… maybe we heard him wrong. the guy who checked us in to our “hotel” is named courage…. we think. so far jessie is jessica and i am momissa. interesting developments abound. our hotel is pretty basic- we think it is definitely fine for tonight but we will explore some more options tomorrow. the internet is free here and that is good. jess just went upstairs to figure out how to lock our door with some guy in little white booty shorts and she has been gone for a while… hmmmm i am going to go look into that. oh! here she is.

aaaaaagh (part 2)

Thursday, September 29th, 2005
i am actually all packed. my bag is only a bit larger than katie's when she was studying for the mcats. i am taking a shockingly small amount of stuff, mostly tampons shoved into every crevice of my ... [Continue reading this entry]

aaaaaagh (part 1)

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005
today is my last day in new york! for all of the planning i have suposedly been doing it is unbelievable how much i have to do today including pack, figure out how the hell i am going to access ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, September 24th, 2005
things to think about: 1. kyle told me that i am an orientalist because of the name of my blog... discuss. 2. ouch everyday i get more shots! 3. eli and aunt k and unk m are coming to visit today! 4. VIEW ALL ... [Continue reading this entry]

final phase…

Monday, September 19th, 2005
So i just got back from DC and had a supremely fantastic time with my wonderful hosts katie, kylie and chopin, even though chopin scratched me deep enough to slice my life line open and leave ... [Continue reading this entry]