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Tourism from Eastern Europe in Tuscany

The region of Tuscany fascinates its visitors for the beauty el’incanto monuments, churches and cities, jewels of art, history and ancient culture, Tuscany is in fact called the “Cradle of the Renaissance” and in this land had reason of expression, the greatest Italian artists, poets, writers, painters and architects.

Tuscany is one of the tourist destinations of greater emphasis and importance of the Italian peninsula, the number of tourists who each year decide to spend a holiday in the region of central Italy, grows substantially and important, especially if you take into account the reservations and travel that are organized by tourists from eastern Europe, with a particular interest in tourists from Russia, Korea, India and China.

Russia indexes make a reservation +20-25% increase package tour operators in Italy, most earmarked Tuscany. In the first place among the most requested tourist products include the cities of art, tourism and spa stays in villas in seaside resorts and countryside.

As for the Chinese market, it is estimated a further growth of tourist flows to Tuscany, although an unknown for 2008 is the summer, coinciding with the Olympics, which could temporarily mark a slight decline of tourists departing .

The Korean market, one of the most dynamic in the world, recorded significant increases in requests to Tuscany, is for travel through tour operators and for those self-organized.

For the emerging market of India, Tuscany is a quality goal sought for a target belonging to social medium-high, interested in a cross: art, culture, fashion, design and gastronomy. For 2008, some problems may arise from the crisis that Alitalia, with the closure of certain routes to and from the east, could penalties development.

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