BootsnAll Travel Network


One of the trips more interesting and fascinating that I had the opportunity to organize and experience was certainly one in the beautiful city of Krakow, Poland town, particularly interesting and distinctive, certainly able to fascinate for its beauty and its wealth of monuments , history and art.

The city has presented to me in all its splendor from the outset, inspired to discover it for each side and its peculiarities, while certainly very fascinated by the wonder of the monuments and buildings of the oldest, certainly very interesting for the history and the past recount.

Walking through the streets of the city, very cold in winter and often covered with a soft blanket of snow, one gets the impression to dive into a particular reality of its kind, admiring the city under a point of view certainly unusual …

There are many monuments of Krakow who deserve to be visited and appreciated for their infinite beauty and their unique charm, particularly remember with pleasure my visit to the Basilica of St. Stanislaus Arcicattedrale and St. Wenceslas Wawel, the Basilica of Santa Trinity, the Church of San Marco, the Wawel Castle and the Cloth Hall.

Francis from Strasbourg

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