BootsnAll Travel Network

Luxor Day-1

Ok, so as probably have guessed already, I arrived at 8am.  I ignored the swarm of cabbies and met one feller who ownes a hotel, he knew the guy who worked at the hotel I had reserved (for the 22nd), who told me the hotel was full.  Wasnt a problem, my new host took me to his hotel, the New Everett.  It was a nice looking place and he was very generous.  30egp for a night, thats cheap.  I decided to stay.  He showed me  around Luxor a bit (trying to convince me to stay the whole time at his hotel).  It was an odd experience riding the back of a motorcycle in suicidal traffic..Ok, it’s not quite as bad as Cairo, but close.  He bought dinner, which was very good…and big.  I had some chicken thing (different than what I had in cairo), a potato thing that had either peas or bean (small, round green..ish), chicken soup (with some weird things in it) and flat bread (seems to be a pattern) and rice.  The room in the New Everett was ok, the only complaints were the lack of hot water and the hard beds.  The same day, he got me in a tour group to the west bank to see Valley of the Kings, and Queen Hatshepsuts temple.  The Valley of Kings was neat.  The tombs are cool.  The sad thing is that you cant take pictures inside..ahh well.  Hatshepsut’s temple, though you can take all the pictures you want.  Its bigger than I thought.  Important safety tip: Bring some means to keep your camera cool (if it’s a digital).  My camera kept shutting down in the heat, so I didnt get as many pics as I wanted, plus you have to keep to the schedule of the group.  I may take the tour again, so I can get more pics that I wanted.  Here a couple pics for you to enjoy..

Valley OverviewHatshepsut’s Temple


One response to “Luxor Day-1”

  1. Oralia says:

    Dude…how did the sunlight not kill your eyes? And you have had lentils ;-P

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