Hmm..how much can I say about Kuwait? Not much, actually… The airport is nice. The poeple are polite and somewhat friendly. They certainly dont hound you to buy things. They’ll even let you use their phones to call the hotel. The roads are well kept and the traffic is organized (except for the cabbies, of course). The hotel (Continental Hawali) was nice, with nice staff. The location was more residential than I had originally thought. The room had tv, satellite, computer, a/c, fridge, hotplate, coffemaker. It was comfortable. Unfortunately, I decided to get sick, so I spent most of my time in bed…such is life…would have liked to see Kuwait Towers, at least. My biggest complaint (no offense to any muslims out there)…The call to prayer was very loud..it woke me every time, not that it was easy to fall asleep. On the lighter side…there was a commercial on tv where a guy drinks something and then gets chased by a horde of giant orange penises…dont know know what product it was, but be aware of drinking canned drinks in kuwait, apperantly. Things are expensive in Kuwait… 10kwd for a meal (about $40 us). I finally found cheap food at the airport, where I had burger king..lol. Anyway…off to Dubai
Tags: Travel
Holy crap! I didn’t realize that when you said expensive you meant that expenive. As for the giant orange penises commercial…gotta love commercials abroad. Less inhibited and funny as hell.