May 8th, 2008Dubai at night from the air is an amazing sight. I think they are trying to out do Las Vegas, with a good start at it. Street lights are close enough that the line on the ground are even and make it look like a map. Of course, it’s to be expected from a place that has the largest indoor skiing, tallest building in the world and the only 6-star hotel. They build their own islands..because they can. It’s a strange place. The hotel I was at, while being the cheapest I could find, was by no means a dump. I lucked out and because of a booking error, they put me in a suite..a nice one (i’ll post more on that later with pics). I had room service and tv…ooh.. Still ill, so I didnt really get out, which turned out to be not a bad thing. Dubai is hot, I mean really enough it’s hard to breathe because of the density of the air. Went out on my balcony, took some pics, stood for a few minutes and decided that was enough. Winter, thats when to visit Dubai. The hotel staff were, well….not the most outgoing and friendly types. The hotel was run by Indians (dot. not feather), and to be honest they seemed kinda snobby… Went to the restaurant to get some OJ, and it was like I killed their cat or something..oh well, it was still a nice hotel. The streets are very nice and the drivers actually drive (see cairo for the opposite of this). The airport is very large and nicely kept. The was a Coldstone Creamery there, but it wasnt as good as the one in Seattle. They screen every bag, I think. I saw several tags on luggage that said ‘screened’ and didnt even realize mine had one too until Seattle when a guy asked me what I was in Dubai for. Well, I’m back here now, recovering….I’ll be posting some followups and such later…enjoy…