BootsnAll Travel Network

Archive for October, 2006

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Placemarkers: A New Way to Travel

Sunday, October 1st, 2006

I’m going to try out something new here and see how it goes. I won’t be doing any long-term travel for awhile but I still enjoy having this blog and want to keep it going even though most of my writing (besides Written Road) is being done offline. My curiosity in topics like the concept of home, bookstore tourism and volunteer vacations will continue to thrive whether I’m traveling or not, so I’ve decided to start Placemarkers — a weekly collection of links to interesting tidbits from places around the world, either far away or in my very own backyard.

Why Go

Sunday, October 1st, 2006

Every day the good folks at BootsnAll give us a photo or phrase that feeds our love of travel. This quote posted yesterday struck me as especially beautiful:

As you think, you travel, and as you love, you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.

James Lane Allen