Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s Capital
December 23rd, 2004I feel like I really ought to be able to describe the countryside we passed through on the bus trip from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, but sadly about all I can say is that it was very flat, there was a tons of rice growing, many palm trees, and the occasional village or town made up of the traditional Cambodian houses on stilts.
There are two reasons for this. First, I slept for a fair bit of the trip. Second, when I wasn’t sleeping I was talking to the fellow in the seat next to me. He was a young Cambodian man who spoke no English or French at all. We did our best to teach one another bits of language, with him pointing at words in my guidebook and my doing my best to mime them, or to find them in the “useful phrases” section. My favourite was “Tiger,” whose meaning I managed to convey by snarling, making my hands into claws and then “painting” stripes on my body with my fingers.
We did make a couple of stops including one at a small shop, where everyone wandered down a path into the woods (though not off the path for fear of mines) to pee.
It took about four hours to get to Phnom Penh, the Capital, and indeed, only city in Cambodia (though at 155 000, I suppose Sihanoukville in the south counts too.)
Upon arriving, we picked one of the many tuktuk drivers vying for our custom at random. It took a fair bit of work to cram three people (two of us considerably larger than the average Cambodian) and our bags onto the tuktuk, but we managed. The traffic wasn’t too horrendous, and before long we were at our hotel, one of about a half dozen on the street, each called the Golden something or other.
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