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Life Rocks…And So Do These Books!

A week from today, on Thursday, April 1, lots of family and friends will gather on my deck/patio for a big, happy reunion. We are praying that it will finally be predictably warm and also that the weather will not interfere with flight schedules. Some prognosticators are predicting one more blizzard to cripple things again before Mother Nature calms down for the season. My daughter and family will arrive this week and clear flying weather would definitely be a good thing. My brother-in-law, has just spent two days trying to fly between Florida  and Colorado, thanks to a howling snowstorm.

My house-redecorating has pretty much stabilized, but life is busy trying to deal with publishing matters and my new and intensive teleseminar course about book promotion and marketing. However, that is leading to some surprising new friendships. I am discovering a very large web of like-minded thinkers by doing the internet research that is necessary to my marketing plan. I’m certainly not alone in Hearing The Voice of God, or in my case, The Holy Spirit. This is the hot new topic in the book world today and it will probably swell to the same crescendo as did the subject of Near Death Experiences when the first life after death books began to hit the news.

I have now cyber-met two authors whose books have just become bestsellers in this genre and I am in a flurry of email communication with each of them. Both of their opened books (Your Soul’s Plan and When God Spoke To Me) are upon my desk, filling my few spare moments during this very busy week. But, I can’t leave either book alone and it’s actually fun to mix the reading of them, picking up whichever one is the closest at hand. Though I’m nowhere near finished reading either one, I can emphatically and heartily recommend them to you:

The first one is Robert Schwartz’s Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born ( which is so convincingly written that you can, for the first time, imagine that you, yourself, are actually the one who wrote the blueprint for the life you are now living. The author has selected a handful of the number of actual cases that he investigated using four very talented psychics and channelers to access the moments before birth spent actually planning: physical illnesses, deafness and blindness, drug addiction, alcoholism, death of a loved one and accidents, to happen during the course of a life on Earth. Through contacts with their spirit guides, each individual interviewed was able to recreate the pre-birth counseling session to learn of the spiritual goals, which the soul had set out to accomplish through hardships on the material plane.

I already knew quite a lot about pre-birth planning. At least, I knew that it existed and why… from my own interviews with The Holy Spirit, and that is covered in my new book, In Secret Diffusion: The Upper Realm Answers Questions About Earth (coming out later this Spring). But I found the details about how this actually plays out in real people’s lives, very fascinating and confirming. Robert Schwartz writes so well about a complex subject and he clearly has a deep understanding of the spiritual realities concerning reincarnation. I am constantly filled with admiration for the quality of focus that he brings to each individual case.

I share his curiosity and thirst for subjects along this line and I know the privilege and great luxury of being in touch with a Higher Consciousness willing to answer any question put to It. However, Schwartz curbs his own personal enthusiasm, and extensive background knowledge of the whole subject in general, and hones in with questions specific to the life of the person under discussion, who is also in on the interview. Then, between case histories, he uses his keen understanding to fill the reader in on this completely unknown facet of behind-the-scenes administration of human reincarnation. There is solid evidence that our life events are not accidental.

This book is making huge waves and has already been translated into an impressive number of languages. Your Soul’s Plan has already garnered a long list of testimonials from some very important individuals and publications. Please go to Robert Schwartz’s website or to and order this book. It will revolutionize your thinking.

Next post, I will fill you in on DavidPaul Doyle’s book, When God Spoke To Me. ( ( I have already dubbed him the Weaver of Basket-Cases, because reading the many short, beautiful stories reduced me to helpless tears and I became such a basket-case of sobbing emotion. If you like to cry, this is the book for you!

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