BootsnAll Travel Network

Finding Fellow Travelers From My Hammock

I have just spent the last few hours enjoying the late afternoon sun stretched out in a Nicaraguan hammock slung in the big oak tree in my front yard. I laughed aloud, chuckled softly, cried from time to time, nodded and “um-hummed” as I recognized myself in all of the brief stories I was reading in the new book propped on my chest. Sunshine and the shadow of a banana tree leaf moved gently across the page. Children played in the park nearby, birds sang. Life felt good and I felt surrounded by a world-full of friends who were all sharing the magical moment when they first had heard the Voice of God within their own quiet head.

My guide on this personal exploration of inner life was DavidPaul Doyle, author of When God Spoke To Me: The Inspiring Stories of Ordinary People Who Have Received Divine Guidance And Wisdom who saw his book go to the top of the charts and become a bestseller as soon as it was released. I’m only halfway finished with reading it, and I can certainly understand why it has become so instantly popular. Think of every great inspirational Reader’s Digest or Guideposts story that has ever brought a catch to your throat or a tear to your eye and then multiply that by more than seventy and you will get some idea of the power of this book.

However, each story is kept to the theme of a personal moment when God spoke, individually, to that person, whether in actual words or pointed coincidence, a great wash of feeling or a rainbow-colored, feather-shaped cloud in the sky. If a formal religious affiliation is even mentioned, it’s only in passing, if there’s a reason to include it in the story. The book proves that it is not necessary to belong to any particular creed to have a long-term, one-on-one, love affair with God or The Holy Spirit. Nobody is “witnessing” here and most are opening up in print for the very first time.

His first book,The Voice For Love: Accessing Your Inner Voice To Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose, had such a profound impact that Doyle and his wife, Candace, now travel the world speaking and teaching others how to hear God’s Voice for themselves. Soon, many people offered their own personal stories of moments when their lives changed forever because of this unmistakable connection. They are not testimonials of what happened as a result of the book, but are all over the map in method and background. It seems that this is happening to people in great numbers. Maybe it has been, all along, but only recently have the means been invented for us all to get our heads together about it.

That has certainly been true for me. Here, I thought I was so daring to make such a claim! And now, I look around and find out that it’s a MOVEMENT and I’m well in the back of the pack with the book I’m planning to release in May…or whenever the interminable publishing process finally completes. In case you hadn’t heard by reading my previous posts, the name of my second book is In Secret Diffusion: The Upper Realm Answers Questions About Earth. Someday, I hope that DavidPaul Doyle will help me introduce my book to the world because we certainly are talking about the same thing. I’ll send him a hot-off-the-press copy of it and hope he will see fit.

In the meantime, I plan to submit my own story of awakening because he has a back page inviting people to do just that. Surely, that’s how this second book came about. The many authors of When God Spoke To Me are all of the regular people who responded to that request the first time around. After the one-page introduction, DavidPaul stays in the background and lets them talk – story after heart-touching story.

This is a good, non-religious, highly-spiritual book…but I notice many testimonials which say it’s used in sermons. Trust me, you’ll like it. More and more, I will inevitably become a funnel to recommend some of these great wide-open Godly books because my marketing research is bringing me into contact with them. It’s a huge, fantastic flood…and nobody’s trying to convert any more. That’s passe’. That’s so yesterday! They are all saying: “Go inside of your own head, your own heart and listen!” This is so refreshing! Believe me, that method works!

I’m still reading Robert Schwartz’ Your Soul’s Plan that I reported on in my last post. It is just as wonderful in an entirely complementary way, and it opens another subject which I mention in my own book: how we plan the details of our life before birth. When you get to that website, be sure to move your cursor over the box that says ABOUT THE BOOK. It will lead you to many more pages of his great website.

Three more books along the same line, wait on my desk for reading, so watch this space for more adverts. But now that my own formatted book manuscript is ready for proofing, the only book I’ll be reading in the next few weeks will be my own. However, due to this new internet book recommending channel I have found, I shall probably continue to order many great volumes to wait until I come up for air. I’ll probably need an entire year to lie in my hammock doing nothing but reading, crying, and chuckling. Yay!

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