BootsnAll Travel Network

A Common Form of Vampirism – Energy Banditry And My Experiences With It

To continue the theme of the last several posts, I’ll share some new understandings on the subject of Energy-Banditry.  As a world traveller, I can honestly say that this doesn’t happen to me any more frequently when I’m out there on the road than it does when I’m at home.  In other words, it can happen all the time no matter where you are, though travel does bring you into contact with many more people, generally.  Often, you may find yourself on the food chain of someone in your family or within the circle of your long-term friends.  Suddenly, I’m beginning to believe that even the merest knowledge about this subject can change the atmosphere between you and someone who has long fed at your personal buffet table.

Here are a few of the components in this fascinating subject:

1)  The more spiritually open, or awake, you are, the more likely it is that you’ll be latched onto by someone who needs your dependable supply of inner force or energy.  That’s because spirituality makes you more energetic and perhaps the energy itself is of a more pure and higher level than someone who is simply a bouncy person.

2)  Those who must rely upon others for their energy needs are not bad.  They are born without the ability to generate enough for their own life and so, must feed upon those who can manufacture energy from food and sunshine in a normal way.  This becomes a negative when they take too much and drain the unwitting donor down.  A small amount will not be missed.

3)  Sometimes, this ability to understand and to move energy about, is a valuable skill which the general population needs because many people suffer from great stress, blocked energy, or an overabundance of it, resulting in joint pains and stiffness, various physical ailments, or hyperactive personalities.  Energy workers fall into the category of physical therapists who can release some of these problems.  Many of them are very effective psychic healers.

4)  Perhaps the day will come when this category of human being will be recognized and appreciated for their own needs and contributions, and the tendency to drain down those in their immediate vicinity will no longer be a reality.  This needs to happen because the situation is much more common than we have thought.

Here are some examples from my own life:

My younger sister, Kippy, is mentally-retarded and I feel sure that she fits the category of pulling the energy off of those with whom she comes in contact.  For many years, I’ve realized that I need days to recover after having been in her company; but because she lives in a group home about seventy miles away, I usually bring her over here for a weekend approximately once a month.  Then, I just allow for two or three days of downtime to recover after I take her home.  She is psychically demanding in that she talks constantly during every waking moment but I also feel an inner tension simply from being in the same room with her.  I didn’t expect that condition to ever clear up as it was simply a part of the reality of Kippy.

Because of my recent travels, I hadn’t seen her for four months when I picked her up last week for an overnight visit.  This came immediately after I had put two and two together, due to a book which had mysteriously fallen into my hands.  As I drove to her new group home, I did one of the protective recommended exercises and mentally squirted a thick fog between me and the passenger side of the car.  Now, whether it was that, or simply my newly-alerted psyche, or the fact that she can’t access as much forbidden caffeine in her new place, I have no idea….but the bottom line is that she no longer exhibited the objectionable symptoms and I could enjoy her visit.  The best part was that I still had my normal energy supply after I took her back to her home.   We shall see if this new condition holds for the long run but I feel very optimistic.  I like to think that on some mysterious level, her Upper Self took one look at my Upper Self and figured “Uh oh.  She’s onto me.” and drew back in feigned innocence.

With that surprising success behind me, I offered the book to my neighbor who is obviously the energy source for three competing individuals in his life.  He was very frazzled at the moment, but when I began to describe the symptoms, he knew that this was what was going on.  I look forward to hearing the outcome to see if his new knowledge has also changed the dynamics, possibly without his having to say a word.

Now, the other way that this condition is affecting my life is a long-standing remote-feeding situation which also fits the descriptions in this book.  Ka-ching!  The balls fell into place as I read that this was a regular practice by some skilled psychic vampires.

Several decades ago, I met a business man who had been a long-time family friend.  During a weekend convention, he paid me an extraordinary amount of attention culminating with an invitation to lunch after the event was over.  Of course I was flattered to even be noticed by this suave gentleman because I had never considered myself eligible for the social circles he frequented.  Because he was married, I had deflected several attempts to kiss me and had turned down an invitation to visit his resort condo.  However,  something must have occurred during our lunch date because suddenly I could hear his voice telepathically.

Did he “implant” me with something?  It must be so, because immediately after this lunch together, I could easily communicate with him over long distances.  How weird but also how pleasant and how nice to have this man’s continued attention in what I figured had to be a perfectly legal and moral way.  I have learned a great deal about telepathy through this whole experience.  Were we somehow “soul mates?”  Apparently not, because I now realize that I was just an attractive energy source.  It took awhile for me to learn how to discourage this connection but I began to wise up after he ignored me at all future meetings. The harpoon was in place.  No need to flatter the whale.

I know that I am still a banquet table for his remote feeds and can regularly feel the sudden painful poke of an invisible tube puncturing my subtle body, which is the surrounding energy field encircling the physical body.  I don’t always experience a severe depletion of my vitality, but sometimes I have suffered from a weird condition that was diagnosed as shingles for lack of a better basket to put it in.  The symptoms don’t really fit that ailment though I do have a rash (which shows up in random spots) and an extreme lack of energy for about a week.  Can this be, instead of a medical condition, the result of psychic overfeeding?

I have developed some defensive mechanisms, such as putting a drop of tabasco sauce on the reddened area where I know the intrusion to be, but it’s still very hard to get away from someone who has gained a strong  foothold.  Distance, such as being on the other side of the planet, makes it much more difficult for him but it’s still possible for this man to drain away my energy supply.  It’s not a big problem for me, as I’ve learned to deal with it over the years, but I’d really like to break the connection completely.

Ka-ching!  Ka-ching!  Ka-ching!  Go the balls of understanding into the slots where they can be utilized.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!  Next post, I shall reveal the name of this book.

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