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And yet there’s still more!

Thursday, August 2nd, 2007

Okay so Friday I had work like usual, and then Ash and Mara came down and joined Ali and I for a drink at West India Quay (right next to Canary Wharf) so that was pretty good. Before those drinks, I first had drinks at work with “all” of work to celebrate the mark of only 5 years to go until the Olympics! There was one big cake in the logo shape, and then hundreds of little cupcakes all with the logo on them!!! Oh and free wine etc, etc so that was nice! I tried to steal a picture from the work intranet but it doesn’t let you, so you’ll all have to check out the new London 2012 website instead!

Oh after work drinks, the weather had changed and I was freezing my tush off, so I headed down to get Ash from the bus stop, and passed by Next (with their last few days of sales on) and bought some nice grey/silver pants with cuffs at the bottom! They’re really nice, and only cost £8.00! bargain! Mara, Ash and I were on the lookout for dinner, and after a while decided to go back near home, to the pub place we’ve seen in Stepney Green (the Tapas place that looks nice ended up being closer to home and a fair walk) but the pub was great! It’s kind of a more upper class pub, but the food wasn’t that expensive whilst still tasting great! We then went to Blockbuster, grabbed a movie and a choccie bar each and headed home.

Saturday we headed into Hyde Park, after a stop by Nottnig Hill where Mara works to get a book in the cheap bookshop (I got The Lost Luggage Porter – detective book) and then we headed into the park (via bus, walk etc) to soak up some suinshine and read. There were so many people with dogs! I miss mine!!!

Sunday, Ash left way early, and Mara and I planned to see some of the Red Bull Airrace, but due to slight misunderstandings etc, etc we didn’t end up seeing any of it! And went for along walk and then home!!!


Still catching up onthe week that was…

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

Thursday work was as usual, and Ash was also arriving back from North England sometime in the afternoon! I went to the RSPCA East London Branch meeting, from 7:00pm and left at 9:00pm (LONG TIME) and the meeting was still going so I had to excuse myself! Anyway, the branch seems to be doing quite a lot however as it doesn’t have it’s own shelter that is a main issue of concern as there are so many homeless animals without a place to be taken. One of the discussions at the meeting was colaborating with the Borough Council to use their kennels and cattery which will be a good help! I told them of the relationship between the Alice Council and RSPCA and how it works well. Apparently the Branch has a lot of money, lots left in one bequest but no one really wants to spend it on a shelter… search me why not! They want to use it for more useful things I think… I had little disagreements in my head as to some of their things suggested/done, and one I did mention was on the fact that pitbulls are banned over here, considered a very dangerous dog and recently a guy got a huge fine and 3 months jail I think for breeding a litter! I was like hmm it’s in the genetics of individual dogs and how they’re brought up, there is no such thing as a vicious breed that can be tagged to every dog of that breed… heck you can make any dog vicious! The only thing I’ve ever been bitten by is a chihuahua! Ohh well, it’s an English Law – what will be next? Apparently dog fighting is big in the (dodgy) East End where I live so that’s one thing they’re trying to crack down on, as well as trapping feral cats and promoting neutering/spaying of dogs. Nearly every dog I’ve seen on my side of town is Male too – and we think it has something to do with the high % of mostly muslim owners, who get rid of pets when they’re older etc. Need to target the mosques is what everyone at the meeting said… good luck (I wonder what they do in Sydney…).

Anyway the meeting was interesting and I’m going to be doing a microchipping course thing, as well as one on home visits in the near future!

The week just gone…

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007
Tuesday was normal work, but Mara scored free tickets to see The Complete Abbreviated works of William Shakespeare - 37 plays in 39 minutes (probably got title wrong!). Cath who I work with has wanted to see it for ages, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Return to England and busy, busy

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007
The return flight to London on Monday night was about as eventful as trying to get out of London on the Friday! We went to see the Duomo Monday morning then had lunch, and a quick sunbake and then took ... [Continue reading this entry]

Italiano in Milano…

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007
Well time flies when you're busy actually doing work!!! Some days feels like I'm back at ASH - no just kidding, it's still like being on a holiday whilst at work here. Hmm so to continue from my previous posting... Whilst ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, July 27th, 2007
Sorry - I've been so far behind with this blog that I thought I better write something straight away whilst I can still remember some of the things that happened since last Friday!!! I'll start from the beginning... Friday afternoon I ... [Continue reading this entry]

SUNSHINE here we come!!!

Friday, July 20th, 2007
Well, this week has been pretty good! Didn't go to the gym nearly as much as I should have, but it was a down week. Next (clothing) had a big summer sale on today, but all the suits I liked only ... [Continue reading this entry]

Justice system up the creek…

Friday, July 20th, 2007
Just checking the online news from home, and came across the following story, which is an outcome of a situation from some time ago in Victora.... the little kids (little shits) should not get off so lightly. Send them to ... [Continue reading this entry]

In Celebration!

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007
Well just quickly, before I forget it (though that's not likely!) last night Mara got us free tickets (thru Jasmine her boss) to go and see In Celebration! the play by David Storey, starring Orlando Bloom! But even better than ... [Continue reading this entry]

Catch Up

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007
Well it was Friday the 13th last week, and no, nothing exciting or unusual happened, quite the opposite I would say! Ali and I caught up after work and he made me dinner, again (I know, I owe someone a ... [Continue reading this entry]