Whale Tails
From Nelson we took the bus to Kaikoura, a touristy town on it’s own little peninsula. It’s probably one of the best places for whale watching in the world since they’re in the area year round. I was skeptical about the entire whale watching experience; my mother went a few years ago and I didn’t understand her excitement-it’s just whale’s tails anyway. I debated for a while whether I should pay the $140 or not to check out the whales, then decided that since I’m in Kaikoura I should do it. I might regret it if I don’t do it, right?
We signed up for the early tour-7:45 and headed out on the water. We didn’t have to wait long to spot our first whale, or the whale’s back I should say. We watched him or her blow its hole and move around a little bit. I snapped photos like the rest of the people on board. When the whale was about to go under, the captain warned us-a little too excitedly-and I got ready to take my photo. I snapped quickly but still didn’t get the photo you see on postcards. It’s a side view and we were not close. I decided to just watch for the second whale encounter-I’m a firm believer in seeing things through my own eyes, not just snapping countless photos to prove I was there. And I was unaffected by the swish of the tail as it waved at us as the whale dove down to the depths of the ocean. The third sighting, which was supposedly a treat-as two sightings is average, I focused on getting the perfect photo, which of course, I didn’t.
I got one of my nausea-less migranes where my head hurts, I have massive pressure behind my eyes, and am sensitive to light, so I slept through the rest of the ride back to shore, even when the boat stopped to look at some Albatrosses. (Is that the correct plural form of them?)
When we got off and I expressed my disinterest, Mathieu asked me if I liked any animals besides cats. I thought about it for a minute to figure out where my interest in animals lied. And I realized that I only like animals that live on land, even if it’s only for part of the time, like seals, and flightless birds. I love penguins but seagulls and parrots just creep me out. And if you read my Great Barrier Reef entry, you’ll recall that I found the fish a bit creepy as well.
So I’m glad I went whale watching, I guess, but after doing it, I could honestly say I’d be happier with the $140 in my pocket, minus what it would cost for a postcard with the perfect whale tail on it.
Tags: New Zealand
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