The Outback
What I thought the Outback would look like was entirely the opposite of what it actually was. (There I go expecting things again!) But I wasn’t let down. It was still amazing.
I thought that I would be looking out at a still nothingness surrounding the van as we drove along the Stuart Highway. I thought the land would be barren and without vegetation. Perhaps this is how the outback does look, but this year has broke their 7 or 8 year drought-with more rain in November than the last 2 years combined! The land was checkerboarded with a few shades of unhealthy looking green tufts of longish prairie grass. Most people would call the dirt/sand red, but I would call it a terra cotta color. Ayers rock is really white underneath, as are most of the other rocks in the area, but from dust/sand storms, it’s all stained this terra cotta color. It’s quite pretty.
There were some trees, areas with more than others. The trees looked like what you might expect to see in the Serengetti (sp?) except they were shorter and fatter. And only part of it was alive-or appeared alive. some of the outer branches were lying on the ground and looked black if you looked out at the outback as a whole. When we drove perpindicular to the trees, they appeared silver.
We didn’t see any wildlife besides cows and birds, but we sure saw a ton of kangaroo crossing signs. The clouds were nonexistant, and the sky was such a pale blue. All of the colors were crisp because of this.
Tags: Australia
Well. it seems like that was an amazing tour! Were you walking around with your fly net on most of the time?! I hope you have a pic of it. You are doing a good job of keeping us informed. Sorry I was not on facebook when you were, I always just leave it signed in. Hope you are having lots of fun!!!!
I have just printed everything from day 1, so I can read it like a book. Your writing skills are exceptional! Your descriptions paint a vivid picture…not bad for a painter!
Looking forward to your next posting! Be safe! Cari & the boys send their best as well!