Back to Civilization?
After the oddly calm ferry ride back to the South Island, we collected the car and started heading north; our plan was to get to Te Anau that evening. After being so good to my body for the last three days, I wanted pizza. As we passed through Invercargill, Naomi saw Domino’s so she yelled “Pizza!” and practically swerved into a parking spot and we got out, not caring how filthy we were. We were famished. We each ordered a large pizza (medium by North American standards) for $7 and scarfed them down. It made me realize how much I miss Chicago pizza…
We made it to Te Anau late because the waves were calling us en route. There is beautiful coastline for miles (or should I say kilometers?) at McCracken’s rest so we stopped and stared. The sun was setting behind some clouds so it made for a really beautiful backdrop. We’re both fascinated by the ocean and the waves so we sat there for a while, almost hypnotized. Once we realized it was getting really dark, we headed back to the car so we could find somewhere to sleep.
Te Anau is a smallish tourist town on Lake Te Anau surrounded by mountains. It’s goregous. We allowed ourselves two days of rest (wasting away on the internet) and then we’re off to do another tramp: The Kepler. The scenery on this one is more alpine and I think we’ll actually be walking on the mountain tops…ah, enough of what I will do-I’ll let you know once I’ve done it!
Tags: New Zealand
Hey Laura……..It’s Kate….Glad to hear you are safe and having a great time!!!!
Isn’t it funny how you miss certain things from home. I’ll never forget eating a pizza in Aruba many moons ago and could not wait to get home a get a true Chicago pizza! I believe it is the one thing I can never give up! Stay safe!