Sailboat from Cartegena, Colombia to Cienfuegos, Cuba (Apr 18-25)
We sailed through a storm on our first day out of Colombia. It was really scary. Linda and I were trying to sleep but the boat was rocking so bad that we had a lot of trouble not falling out of bed. There was waves coming over into the boat and the crew was all running around on deck screaming in German. 4 of the sails were damaged and had to be taken down. Over the next 4 days the crew used a huge sewing machine to repair the sails. Tons of food was damaged and had to be thrown out. Everyone was seasick.
9 huge birds landed on the top of the boat and spent the whole day pooping all over everything. A few people got pooed on and some poop some how flew through the window of our room and onto Linda’s sandles… ha ha!
We anchored the boat in a shallow area and went crazy on the rope swing. Unfortunately, one of our friends fell in the water on the side of his head and busted his eardrum. Hope you’re feeling better Moby.
Linda and Moby made the best of the rotten bananas and made some most delicious banana bread!!!!
We caught a small tuna and used it as bait for bigger fish. The tuna fell off somewhere but we later caught 3 mackerels and 3 barracudas. The captain took out the heart of one of the barracudas while it was still beating… yuck!
We saw lots of playful dolphins again!!!!!!!!! YEAH dolphins!
Stephen, one of the crew members, introduced us to peanut butter, honey, and garlic sandwiches… actually really good (according to Edmund)!
Tags: Travel