Indonesian Critters
Here are some Indonesian critters that didn’t make it into previous blog entires.
Cat on a hot brick roof in Ubud, Bali.
No, it’s not a prop left over from a Godzilla movie. Close-up of a Komodo dragon foot on Rinca.
Our resident bat in Waiterang, Flores. At least there weren’t many mosquitos.
Catapiller with lots of suprised faces. Waiterang, Flores.
Kiss me! Ubud, Bali.
Most of the geckos we’ve seen have been about the size of a hand, but this guy was a gecko on steroids – about the length of an arm and covered in spots. Cool! Ubud, Bali.
Tags: Indonesia
June 1st, 2005 at 5:21 am
Interesting dragon foot – and where exactly was the rest of the beast???
1.5 days left at school – this is such a good thing!
Safe travels to you both – many hugs,
Mom xoxox
June 1st, 2005 at 2:19 pm
You went almost a week between entries, I was begining to think one of those dragons had an american lunch GPR