BootsnAll Travel Network

Trip Map

Here’s a world map showing where our travels took us for the past 25 months. Countries we visited on this trip (all 39 of them) are in blue and we filled in previously visited places in green. You can click on the image to get a much larger version of the picture. Somehow, we thought we were going to spend a lot less time in the air before we set out on this trip (did we mention that Marc hates to fly?). We promise to get a Mexico blog up soon.



No Responses to “Trip Map”

  1. Mom Says:

    Awesome map – very impressive!
    It’s fantastic to have you home again!

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Lata Says:

    welcome home! look forward to seeing you soon!

  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Kirsten Walsh Says:

    I LOVE THE MAP!! I am glad you made it home safe. I am so excited about the upcoming Mexico blog. I think you should put your entire blog in a book form, for others to enjoy. It is Fantastic!!!. Kirsten

  6. - Bob - Says:

    Welcome home and back to family safely.
    Any chance you could take donations, continue to travel and continue to feed my need to read your blog? Somehow I’m not very excited about reading your next blog “Kelly and Marcus at Work”. Actually, knowing you two it might actually be interesting.

    Praying for you,
    – Bob –
    P.S. Now, do I keep praying for you or leave you two on your own?

  7. Posted from United States United States

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