Days 37-39: Guess the Critter
Test your critter knowledge and see if you can guess the critter from a tiny view of the whole beast. Full images at the bottom, so don’t scroll until you’ve guessed them all. [This may take a while to load, as there are a few pictures.]
#1: Kelly is not fond of these.
#2: Pious bug.
#3: Good eatin’! (Or so we’re told)
#4: No hint could help here.
#5: This one is probably the easiest.
#6: The male is more showy.
#7: It’s the same animal as #6.
#8: Kelly’s not too fond of these either.
Keep scrolling down
The Full Size Photos
#1: Cool hairy spider.
#2: Praying mantis.
#3: Grub! Never seen a grub before. This guy was about 2″ long.
#4: Kookaburra. This bird has the most awesome call; like a crazed hooligan laughing his butt off.
#5: Huge pelican.
#6 and #7: Peahen. It was so colorful we gave it two zooms.
#8: Translucent sand crab.
Tags: Australia
April 23rd, 2005 at 9:10 am
Interesting way to start off a morning – looking at more creatures! Just make sure any of the smaller ones don’t keep traveling along with you!
Translucent sand crabs – I thought things like that only lived in dark caves – guess you learn something new every day!
Glad you finally got to play around with some coffee Marc 🙂
Hugs xoxox
April 23rd, 2005 at 9:10 am
3 for 8…not a good sign with exams coming up. I’m with Kel on #8, especially after hearing Covey’s experience with them…