Days 153-170: Myanmar Critters
We were very impressed by the critters in Myanmar – particularly the bugs. In particular, we found THE GREATEST BUG EVER!
No, this isn’t the Greatest Bug Ever. But it was still neat.
Really cool black and white beetle from Inle Lake. Those feet are particularly neat.
Lots of butterflies in Myanmar. But as usual, very hard to get them to sit still for pictures.
These chameleons where all over Mandalay. There seemed to be exactly one on each tree. We don’t think blue was a good choice of camouflage.
The grasshoppers in Myanmar seemed particularly colorful. This guy was a very bright green.
This might have been a cicada – we heard them occasionally – but looked more like a showy grasshopper.
This beetle had a fondness for Kelly’s hair. Too bad it wasn’t reciprocated.
We’re not sure if you can tell what kind of butterfly will emerge from a caterpillar, but our bet is on a monarch.
Kelly thought these red bugs all over Bagan were really cool until she counted the number of legs.
Another 8-legged friend.
These guys looked like punk pill bugs with a bunch of body piercings.
There were swarms of dragonflies everywhere in Myanmar.
This is it! The Greatest Bug Ever! Marcus can’t get over how cool this bug is. The guide seemed to think the spikes were poisonous and we decided not to test the theory.
Tags: Myanmar
September 1st, 2005 at 1:14 pm
I kinda liked the bug part of the blog better than the politics part…
Sweet Bugs!
September 1st, 2005 at 1:47 pm
I found the politics to be very interesting, being a political scientist and all… Thanks for all the great info.
Not to crazy about the bugs, but the butterflies are really cool!
Hugs xoxoxo