BootsnAll Travel Network

A Change of Plans

January 16th, 2004

Plans have changed dramatically. We are now getting the ticket thru The Great Escapade instead. The route is London-Singapore-Bangkok-Singapore-Sydney-Queenstown-Auckland-Rarotonga-Tahiti. We plan to spend maybe a month in Thailand, a month in New Zealand, a few weeks in Australia, and other periods of time in the other places.

We bought our ticket to London yesterday and it leaves FEBRUARY 1!!!!!
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First Post

January 3rd, 2004

Hello! This blog is intended to be a diary of my around-the-world trip.

Right now, my boyfriend Jim and I are in the planning stages but we hope to leave in about a month. We are still working on getting the tickets and taking care of everything that needs to be done if you leave home for three months!

We think we will buy the ticket from It is based out of London but is so much cheaper than any American itineraries we found.

We are looking at London-Lima – overland – Santiago-New Zealand-Australia(2 stops)-Bangkok-Singapore-London.
