BootsnAll Travel Network

Needles Through Flesh: Singapore Thaipusam

February 4th, 2004

Don’t worry, I’ll get to the needle part…

To continue what I was writing in the last post– we had a local fruits night, where we tried jackfruit, pomelo, mangosteen and the famous durian. I thought it was so awesome to try new things. The mangosteen was the best and looks like this: this. To open it, you have to hold in between the …what is that called… the lower part of your palms, and you squeeze firmly and it pops open. Inside is a white fruit that is shaped like garlic but tastes very nice!

Yesterday we went to Orchard Road, which is a main shopping area. We also went to the Embassy to try to sort out my credit card issue since my wallet was lost. We walked all stinking day and my feet were killing me. Later I found two nice big ripe blisters. Want to see that again? RIPE BLISTERS. Yum!

So last night was the Thaipusam festival. It was …..WOW. In a word: overwhelming. Thaipusan is a Hindu festival where people stick needles and skewers through their skin.  READ ON!
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My Tummy Hurts Already

February 3rd, 2004

We are staying at a hostel called The Inn Crowd in Little India, which means exactly what it sounds like. I feel like we are in India when we walk around. We stopped at an outdoor food place and had some yummy Indian food. Singapore has such strict laws and regulations that it is supposed to be safe to eat at any food stall. The stalls are all rated by how clean they are and the rating is prominantly displayed.

Little India

We walked around a little and came back and we both fell asleep (in bunk beds!) for a few hours. Man, we needed it. The second I woke up, my tummy hurt a little and I had to go to the bathroom. Jim is there right now. How is it possible we both have hurt tummies?? I really didn’t think there would be any problem. We both feel fine now, but it makes we worry a little….

Tonight the hostel is having a “sample local fruits night” so we are going to do that.


The Worst Possible Start to a Trip Ever

February 3rd, 2004

I lost my wallet within 20 minutes of arriving at JFK airport. We checked in, and after we were in the terminal, I went to buy a drink and noticed it was gone.
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One Day Left

January 31st, 2004

We leave TOMORROW.

Today I had to drive to Long Island to pick up new lenses for my glasses. I had to go alone since Jim was busy. I totally dreaded it because I had no idea how to get there and I always get lost whenever I go somewhere new. But the trip actually turned out to be okay and it was nice to have a drive around before leaving…although I did get lost in the Bronx for old times’ sake.
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One Last Greasy Breakfast

January 29th, 2004

When I woke up yesterday morning, totally sure that work would be cancelled because of the tons of snow, I laid in bed and wanted buttered toast with home fries and a ham and cheese omelet. Then I called work and found out it was OPEN. My dreams for a diner breakfast were crushed.
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Probably Useless Travel Gear

January 27th, 2004

Here I took a picture of the travel stuff that has accumulated for the trip. Any experienced world traveller would probably say it is all useless and I am stupid for bringing it. Those world travellers can be jerks sometimes because they think they are so great.

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Thai Bird Flu Scare

January 26th, 2004

When I first read about the Bird Flu thats going around in Thailand and environs, I totally freaked out and got scared. After thinking about it and reading more, I think the danger is very small for tourists like us.
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January 22nd, 2004

Here I’ve listed links that were useful to me in trip planning and gear buying.

The Great Escapade
This is where we bought our round-the-world tickets from London. They were the cheapest we could find for what we wanted. On the site is an interactive map where you can plan your route.
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Theory of Travel

January 18th, 2004

It is strange how in the U.S., international travel isn’t looked upon as highly as it is in Europe and Australia, for example.
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Emergency Passport

January 17th, 2004

The worst thing ever has happened.

His passport is GONE.

It is NOT in the this apartment. We have searched EVERY SINGLE inch of this place three times.

We leave in like 2 weeks.

Passport expedition takes, oh, TWO WEEKS.

This is NOT GOOD and is TOTALLY stressing me out. Also the fact that he doesn’t have a birth certificate or anything like that since a fire wiped out his parents’ house years ago.

[stress stress stress]

Anyway, we bought the tickets to London today, so things are HAPPENING!!
