Leaving Queenstown
We finally left Queenstown after two days and didn’t do ANY “extreme” activities. Paragliding or whatever it is called sounded great. And Jim wanted to white water raft or go river sledging but it just wasn’t the right time of the year and we figure we can do it somewhere else, maybe.
The last two nights we went out to the pubs and it was pretty fun. Last night was with an American couple who had been teaching English in Japan for 2 years. The night before was an American guy who was living and working in Queenstown for a while. One bar was really cool because when it got hot, the roof opened up!! Even when it was sprinkling outside! It was great because it got *so* hot in there.
So we are on the road to the Fox Glacier and we stopped in Wanaka for lunch and …just to waste time, I guess. We can’t do the whole drive because it is just too long.
One of the girls we met had just done the walk on the glacier and had HUGE open sores on the backs of her feet from blisters from the boots. I am NOT looking forward to that since I get blisters from just standing around! Sheesh!
I don’t know if I ever told you, but our hostel had AMAZING views of the “Remarkables,” which are the mountains by Queenstown. They are so gorgeous and the tops are covered with snow. Today they had even more snow than usual. Winter is right around the corner!!
On the way into Wanaka we stopped at “Puzzle World” which has this big human maze that you walk through and have to find the four corners in the towers. I’ve never done anything like it so it was interesting. Jim loved it. However, I cheated after a while and crawled under and over to get out.
I also have to mention that Jim is so fancy it’s ridiculous. He finally said he needed to get a sweatshirt or sweater since he is cold. So we walked around Queenstown a bit but everything is so touristy and expensive. We couldn’t find ANYthing for less than like 80 NZ bucks. I told him, let’s go to The Warehouse. The Warehouse is sorta like Wal-Mart and has super cheap clothes. I got socks, sweatpants, a hat, and other stuff from there when we first got here. But he HATES The Warehouse because he is such a stinkin’ fancypants. FINALLY we went and it took him FOREVER to pick out an ugly cheap fleece shirt that we’ll probably end up throwing out when we leave NZ anyway. He can’t handle wearing cheap and not very nice looking clothes, even though it doesn’t matter. And it was like shopping with a teenager girl who couldn’t make up her mind. What a silly monkey!!
I kid because I love.
Tags: New Zealand
Hi kelly we love reading your journals. We are in Cambodia now but we were both in Singapore for thaipusam! what a coincidence! We have our own journal too!
Hi Alex and Nicola! Thank you for reading my journal!! I’m glad you like it. What is the address of your journal??
Hi Kelly!
Good to hear from you….our journal is at http://www.alexandnic.mytraveljournals.com – Nic is the clever one who keeps everything in order with our website and I just type my thoughts etc etc!!!