My mom took me to see my grandma when I was home in Michigan. She is about 86 but her mind is still sharp and she is funny!
She had some small weight velcroed around her ankle and my mom asked what it was for. She said it was to even out her walking because one leg doesn’t work as well as the other. Ha!
Then she asked where I’d just come from, and when I said The Cook Islands, she pulled out an Atlas and said she hadn’t been able to find it in there. So I opened the Atlas, intending to look it up, and she says, “Turn to page 120.” I did, and there was a paper in there to mark the map of New Zealand! My grandma had been following my trip in here Atlas and even remembered the page number of a map! I thought that was neat.
No one in our family is extremely close and I’m definitely not close to my grandparents. Since my grandparents had so many kids, they have a gazillion grandkids so I figure they don’t care what I do, really.
Then later Grandma told my mom that mom’s older sister Delores had really raised her and Grandma hadn’t done a thing. Then grandma said, “Oh! One time, you had trouble breathing, so I brought you something. That was the only time.” Ha ha!! And she wasn’t even trying to be funny.
I was surprised though, by how much she knew about my trip and she thought it was really cool. My mom told me she was ahead of her time. Once her and her boyfriend (well, they were in their 60s) drove all the way to Alaska. Go grandma!
Tags: Post-Trip
Funniest Kelly comment when she was home in her comfy bed, “My bed is like the ‘black hole’, once you’re in, you can’t get out.”
Where has Carl been???
Where I’ve been?
I’m sorry, I haven’t been around for a while. That is, I haven’t been “blogging” on the Internet lately.
What did I miss? 🙂
Anyway, I hope you guys are all doing great!
Lots of love from da Swede!