Losing Everything and New Perspectives
Before I left I got some wise advice: Dont bring anything you dont mind losing. I took it seriously (laptop is safe at home), but didnt really realize how true it is. Weve been traveling for 12 days and Ive already lost several things that Im way more sad about than I should be. My life recently has really given me new insight to items and my connections with the things I own. Before leaving, I got rid of EVERYTHING, in fact I just gave my cell phone away to this sweet housekeeper at a hostel in San Jose. Getting rid of things was an amazing feeling, its letting go of things Ive held onto for such a long time, and the abitility to just let it all go was liberating. Once I told someone “I think it would be cool if my house got robbed and I lost everything”, and he said “uhh, no that would suck. I think you’re kinda crazy”…Probably true, but maybe in a good way.
But after narrowing everything I owned down to a couple suitcases, my laptop, keyboard, guitar, and the pack that I’ll be living out of for the next 6 months, the few things I own are much more important to me than before, and now when I lose things its a harsher blow. I’m still mourning the theft of my camera right before I left (That person is soooo gonna have shitty luck), but I’ve already lost a few things along the way that may not be important, but they’re all I have. Really makes me think about value and worth, and what those words meant back home vs what they mean now. Even making my hostel bed everyday has its own importance (back home it was like once a week maybe), because while I’m here it’s the only bit of space that’s designated mine, so taking care of the very few things I have means something…..This is the kind of thought process I’ve been searching for, this is why I needed to venture….
Hopefully I wont lose my travel books, they are probably most important to me out of everything…then maybe my passport and money, haha. I also need to post pictures soon before I lose my camera..next on the list
Right now we are in this awesome Mountain Town right outside of MonteVerde and the rain is steadily hitting the roof. This is my favorite place so far, hard to believe it just keeps getting better, makes me even more excited for the rest of the trip. All the animals have decided it’s siesta time, I think I’m in agreement
Hasta pronto
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