Just took my last hot shower for 4 weeks
And it was sweeeeet.
But really, cold showers are the only thing I´m dreading about the next 4 weeks of my life, and honestly, I expect it will give me a new appreciation for everything in my day to day life that I take for granted. We´re leaving Monteverde early in the morning, and I am a bit sad to say goodbye to this little gem town we´ve called home for the last week or so. But I feel like the ranch experience is going to be once in a lifetime, and I´m super stoked to go work for my keep, and maybe learn a thing or two about growing things and sustainability.
Today is 4th of July, and I haven´t drunk a cheap beer, turned maroon in the sun, or played with explosives… weird. Also the weather is perfect, definitely doesn´t feel like July.
8am Jeep-boat-jeep ride to Rancho Margot, check it out: http://www.ranchomargot.org/blog/
still miss you all!!!!
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