Flying over the trees
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010Ive been obsessed with flying since I was a little girl. I love plane rides, and Im more envious of birds than any other living thing. Today I flew over the hills in Costa Rica, and it was amazing. Coffee at the hostel is free where we are, but nothing wakes you up like attaching yourself to a cable high up in the air and flllyyyyyiiiiiiinnnnnnng. New Trip Highlight!!! The entire experience lasted at least 3 hours, and we did maybe 12 ziplines, rapelled straight down a rope, did a tarzan swing (AWESOME), and finished it off with a 2km long cable SUPERMAN STYLE. Totally worth the 40 bucks, even though we will be living off a few scroungy groceries for the next couple of days.
Monteverde has done us well. Weve been here since Friday, stayed in the same room, and have made ourselves quite at home. The hostel is on a hill (the entire town is either extreme uphill or down), and every afternoon fog rolls in and turns everything silver for a little while. Across the street is a great bookstore/art supply store, where I go to everyday (iced coffee tofee, mmmmm), and there are about 10 dogs that come in and out and sleep in all the chairs (I love them all, of course). A few days ago we went on a 14km hiiiiiike, and it took us 2 days for every muscle in our bodies to stop protesting with every step (good thing, too, because with ziplining also comes intense hiking). We went to the cloud forest on an ironically clear day, but it was gorgeous.
My spanish is improving (learning all the cuss words and slang, what else do you need to know?) which is good because we just found out today that on Monday we will be able to do a 4week work exchange at an organic ranch in Arenal, working at the bar. Its going to be intense: 4 weeks, 6 days a week, 6 hours a day, cold showers….but the experience will totally be worth it. Besides, if I wasnt a little crazy, I wouldnt be here in the first place :). The good news is we get free rooms, free food, free yoga, free horsebackriding, 20 percent off at the bar, and an experience to last a lifetime. I cant wait to be thrown into another situation that is going to completely turn my world around….
The clock is telling me that Ive been staring at a screen for tooooo long
Hasta Luego